I thought about making a video but I just feel like it would be easier for me to write it out. Some people say that I'm a good writer and I should write a book, manely my mom but I believe her!😁 The truth is... that it takes me a while to Collect my thoughts, not that that's a bad thing. I am who I am!
Anyway, I just feel like the Lord wants me to speak up as if this is my ministry; just to be who I am to share my experiences, my thoughts and one thing that caught my attention was a post on Facebook. It read: "If your pastor knows your living in sin and let's you minister on the alter or serve on the worship team then he cares more about your gifts than your soul".
I get what that message is saying I do but also it is not for us to judge. Sometimes God puts us in those situations and we should use them to advance the kingdom of God! For example maybe that's a time to minister to that person living in sin? There is a difference between someone of the world and someone in the world... Someone of the world would have given their heart to it but someone in the world is someone who loves the Lord and has given their heart to God but is still struggling with sin. Sin can be used as a stepping stone to learn and grow; we all have it and use it, we all fall short of the glory of God but that is exactly why we shouldn't be religious and why we should let God work with another believer. We can't walk in righteousness without the Lord!
I feel as if I am "in the world" and not of the world. Just struggling to take care of my family, my house. What would have happened if I had a chance to use my gifts in church, would I have never started smoking... I wonder... I don't blame anyone, I know God has a plan but the point of this message is to say God is in control and church shouldn't be a religious organization, the pastor shouldn't be the judge all. Because Jesus destroyed the temple and tore the veil and we are the temple where the Holy Spirit resides.