I want to write something on race, as I believe that this is something that God wants me to explain... more clearly than I have before and this is not a popular subject. I get that, but I'm coming from a place of love and I just want people to understand this "so- called" situation. I believe that God gave me a dream. in which, this is how I should explain this matter because It's too much for me to explain on Facebook; or I would love to talk in person but I know that this would more likely turn into an argument and the other person would be less likely to listen. So with that said, I would like to put in my input.
First off I would like to say that African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans were all treated unfairly by White Americans and we know just how cruel these White Americans were; I shouldn't have to mention it.. in fact, I don't want too because that's how bad it is! Since these cruelties, the Government AKA White Gentlemen ( because the government was/is mostly white) has not really done anything to repent for what they've done! I know that the people who did those things are long gone but that doesn't mean that those same traits that they had were not passed down to their children! There are such things as generational curses; that same pride and self righteousness still exist in us today! I say us because to me we are all part of the same family, we are all human beings, to me it's as if uncle Bob enslaved uncle Joe; If we were living in that same time zone then I would be enslaved too! Nothing has changed really, we are still hateful humans and we still sin! God is the one that changed it; he put it on our hearts to stop slavery!
Now we live in a world where it looks like there might be a race war but in truth, all I can say is: "What did you expect?" After hurting people for so long, taking away peoples history... America is trying to keep us together by keeping us ignorant. One thing that really irks me is when people who are trying to stand up for their rights, you get other people that tell them to basically sit down and shut up... That's the kind of pride that I'm talking about, when Colin Keapernick decided to kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality he was not wrong.. He could be doing it to encourage someone who will really put a stop to police brutality! All I hear is how he's doing wrong and young people today are spoiled and Black Lives Matter is a hate group and they just want to cause division! Sounds like lies that my teacher told me in school, sounds like you're trying to brain wash the masses... I'm not saying these things can't happen but I am saying that these things are not happening right now! Black Lives Matter is about working for the betterment of black lives! Don't tell me that my white fiends whom say they support all lives, can't help Black Lives Matter. That sounds hypocritical. It sounds to me that they just want to be included but are not willing to do the work. If they believe in all lives then why not help black lives; then one day when white lives are in trouble, black people can stand with them too!